LigniKon - the 3D CAD for Timber Construction designed specifically for Carpenters

LigniKon Small


8,50 € per month

LigniKon Small

Suitable for designing and producing roofs and other timber constructions

LigniKon Large


35,00 € per month

LigniKon Large

Ideal for designing and producing roofs, carports, pergolas, gazebos, wooden terraces/verandas complete with roofing, self-supporting wooden structures with special braced frame walls and other wooden constructions.

LigniKon XL


41,00 € per month

LigniKon XL

Suitable for designing and producing simple and complex roofs (e.g. multiple and intersecting, with trusses, etc.), carports, pergolas, gazebos, wooden terraces/verandas complete with roofing, self-supporting wooden structures with special braced frame walls, pavilions, stables, agricultural barns, trusses and other timber/steel constructions.

LigniKon is the ideal software for small and medium-sized carpenters who need to design, cut and assembly the wooden frame of roofs and special free-standing wooden structures. Possible roofs vary ranging from the simple roof to the advanced roof, perhaps consisting of additional roofs that can be merged together, or additional and specific items such as dormers (of various types), chimneys or various projections with totally free geometry. Each of these elements influences (automatically) the entire framework by strictly following ultra-tested carpentry rules in the WETO software. Similarly, self-supporting structures can be simple or more articulated by simply setting the desired number of Posts/Studs, Knee Braces, Noggings/Plates, and Wall Bracing. All this is done by working in a well-designed 3D Working Environment that is easy to learn and use, as the carpenter has no time to waste and wants to be operative right from the start by obtaining technical drawings, calculations and automatic timber lists. In fact, the LigniKon working tools are accompanied by interactive schemes that appear according to the context automatically and reflect the classic structure of wooden buildings and the way of thinking and working of the carpenters who have to realise them.

Finally, you can join/join the drawn structures with joints ranging from simple Controlled Cutting to Tenons and Mortises, rather than Hooked Scarf joint or Step/Heel Notch joints used in trusses. You can also draw (and fit) iron girders.

Order LigniKon here!

Call us, we will be happy to advise you!

Mr. Daniele di Pisa

+49 8504 9229 294

LigniKon Small

  • Advanced Roofs and Dormers Wizards
    to quickly and easily create simple or complex roofs with perfect carpentry, setting slopes, overhangs, pitch measurements, sections and dimensions of the purlins (bottom plates, middle and ridge purlins), rafters and small framework

  • Editor of Roof Windows, Chimneys and Eave Overhangs
    with timber frame self-adjustment (with automatic Headers and Supports) to accommodate them

  • Accurate placement of Rafters and Collar Beams/Ties by setting auto-adaptive (dynamic) or fixed (forced) interaxes

  • Automatic Hip and Valley Rafter

  • Designed for parametrically and directly working in 3D (as well as in 2D) and to save time and gain easiness
    Fully automatic Technical Working Drawings already dimensioned and labelled to start production of the individual components of the framework to be cut and the roof profile to be assembled

  • Doors/Window Editor with various geometry management and related options

  • Automatic Roof Package creation
    with management of Battening, Canopy/Eave Boarding (Soffit), Insulation, Roof Tiles and Gutters

  • Detailed Carpentry Timber Lists of the entire framework, jack rafters, computation of pitch surfaces and insulation surfaces for carpenters and sawmills.
    Any list can be directly exported to Microsoft Excel

  • Customisable catalogues of roof tiles and packages

  • Joining and Machining: Controlled Cut and Break/Merge

  • Suitable for designing and producing roofs and other timber constructions.

LigniKon Small, the basic software for designing and building Timber Roofs

Click here to check out the flyer

LigniKon Large

The LARGE version includes all the functions of the SMALL version. It is therefore recommended that you consult it before continuing since only the extra functions are summarised here.

  • Wizard for the automatic creation of additional perpendicular (T-shaped) pitches
    which allow an easy creation of roof extensions or for the intersection of new roof portions

  • Merging several roofs into a single roof with simple mouse clicks and according to architectural and carpentry rules

  • With the ‘Framework under top plate’ tool, it is quick and easy to create pergolas or Special Braced Frame Walls. Only three clicks are required!
    It automatically generates Posts/Studs, Plates, Knee Braces and automatic Diagonal Braces!

  • Joining and Machining: Deburring/Trimmer/Groove, Classical Half Lap joints, Nibbed/Plain Scarf joints, Hooked Scarf joints, Special Birdsmouths and Free Markings

  • Several beam types (classical, rhomboidal, elliptical, I-Joist, etc.)

  • Large selection of steel girders according to EN 10365 (DIN 1025/1026)

  • Multiple placement of Beams, Posts, Rafters and Collar Beams/Ties by setting auto-adaptive (dynamic) or fixed (forced) interaxes

  • Slanted Fly Rafters

  • Wood, Iron and Roof Tiles Lists

  • Ideal for designing and producing roofs, carports, pergolas, gazebos, wooden terraces/verandas complete with roofing, self-supporting wooden structures with special braced frame walls and other wooden constructions.

LigniKon Large, the basic 3D CAD for carpenters to build Roofs and Timber Structures

Click here to check out the flyer

LigniKon XL

The XL version includes all the functions of the LARGE and SMALL versions. It is therefore recommended that you consult them before continuing since only the extra functions are summarised here.

  • Drawing without any perimeter restrictions

    In the XL version you can draw your floor plans totally freely or use the Roof Assistant Wizard. In both cases the result will be identical, but thanks to the drawing freedom you can create plan shapes without constraints.
  • Automatic Dimensioning and Labelling for Components in Technical Drawings and Automatic Views

  • Joining and Machining: Tenons-Mortises, Step/Heel notch joint typical for Trusses, Profiling/Moulding of beams, Notches/Grooves, Rebates, Chamfering and Slots

  • Automatic Rafter Tail/Sprocket to create the typical double roof frame (e.g. for adequate roof ventilation)

  • Help tools for copying, moving, rotating and mirroring components and groups, both with the mouse and numerically, e.g. for copying trusses or whole roofs

  • Possibility of drawing trusses composed by Rafters (Top Chords), King Post, Struts, and Tie Beam (Bottom Chord)

Suitable for designing and producing simple and complex roofs (e.g. multiple and intersecting, with trusses, etc.), carports, pergolas, gazebos, wooden terraces/verandas complete with roofing, self-supporting wooden structures with special braced frame walls, pavilions, stables, agricultural barns, trusses and other timber/steel constructions.

LigniKon Large, the basic 3D CAD for carpenters to build Roofs and Timber Structures

Click here to check out the flyer

Click here to order LigniKon