VisKon - The New Generation of Visual Construction

VisKon is the ideal solution of BIM and 3D CAD/CAM for timber construction, easy to use and learn. With it, you draw naturally and then you immediately start producing your structures by automatically obtaining all technical drawings and/or CNCs for cutting.

You have at your disposal precise parametric and machining tools that allow you to achieve any possible result effortlessly. The tools are rich in functions that appear at the right moment, letting you draw spontaneously and directly in 3D without missing anything and avoiding a lot of hassle.

VisKon A (Timber Roof and Free Structure Module)


End of winter special offer:
Use the software free of charge for 6 MONTHS

50,00 € per month

instead of 60 € from 1 May

VisKon Dach
Suitable for wood professionals:

Carpenters, roofers, joiner, craftsman for wood assembly craftsman for wood assembly, sawmill operators, designers and other timber business professionals, etc. to design and produce single or double-structure roofs, ventilated roofs, special structures, green building extensions, particularly articulated roofs, complex trusses, carports and other engineered free wooden structures.

VisKon B (Timber Wall and Ceiling Module)


End of winter special offer:
Use the software free of charge for 6 MONTHS

50,00 € per month

instead of 60 € from 1 May

VisKon Wand
Suitable for wood professionals:

Carpenters, joiner, assemblers of wooden houses, sawmill operators, designers and other timber business professionals, etc. to design and produce of timber framed buildings, frameworks, CLT/X-LAM and Block House technology, such as housing, schools, agricultural and industrial halls, warehouses, and other green buildings.

VisKon C (CNC module)


End of winter special offer:
Use the software free of charge for 6 MONTHS

50,00 € per month

instead of 60 € from 1 May

VisKon Maschinenansteuerung

Support of new production platforms for CNC machines for carpentry by following manufacturers: Hundegger; Weinmann, Homag, Krüsi, Schmidler, Soukup, Technowood, SCM, Weinig, Essetre, Biesse, AUERTECH, Baljer & Zembrod. Complete job preparation up to CNC. For companies that have their own CNC cutting/machining machine or have their carpentry work performed by contract sawmills/joineries. VisKon A and/or B module is a prerequisite!

Whether you have a CNC machine or not, with VisKon you cut and assemble in the workshop/fabrication shop, and with absolute agility you do the assembly on site without any unpleasant surprises. You will complete the construction on time and deliver it turnkey to the client.

Nomen (est) Omen said the Latins, well VisKon 3D CAD/CAM also carries its essence in its name. From the German Visuelle Konstruktion it can be translated as Visual Constructor (Builder), namely a 3D (and 2D) graphic working environment conceived for designing and building wooden constructions with ease and clarity. Traditional software, on the other hand, are designed in 2D and 3D is a consequence. This approach not only makes them more tricky to use, but it also requires more time and effort to learn, and the constant switching between views often results in time-wasting errors.

By the way, we set up the machining operations (dovetails, tenons-mortises, half lap joint, various lap grooves, slots, etc.) considering as much as possible how work most of the numerical control machines (3/4/5/6 axes) and manual, so as not to have any unpleasant surprises during processing. We thus imposed computer constraints, which arise at the appropriate time. For example, the same joint that works in the most of cases, might not be allowed in other circumstances because the machine in that specific situation is unable to perform it!

"Timing!" say the developer-carpenters of WETO. "Better to fix it at the design stage than at the cutting stage by slowing down or even stopping production. For customers, time is precious!" In short, with VisKon you automate the entire construction process, gaining time and avoiding unnecessary effort.

Order VisKon V18 here!

Call us, we will be happy to advise you!

Mr. Daniele Di Pisa

+49 (0) 8504 9229 0

VisKon A - Timber Roof and Free Structure Module

VisKon A includes all the numerous functions already widely represented (and not repeated here) on the LigniKon subproduct page. We strongly recommend consulting it before proceeding with VisKon!
In fact, here are just a few of the extra macro functions and machining operations that VisKon offers. Just one example and most requested: dovetail joints are only managed in VisKon!

  • Design without any perimeter limits, e.g. irregular floor plans typical of ancient buildings.
    Among other tools, the roof tool includes a valuable automatic system for detecting roof pitch slopes directly from the imported 3D file, this be it an IFC, DWG, DXF, OBJ or BTL. Another very useful function for irregular floor plans is a command that automatically creates sail roofs with a single click, thus keeping both the ridge and the plate level.

  • Designed to work EASILY and DIRECTLY in 3D and 2D!

  • Integrated assistants for Roofs with single or double structure and their packages, Ceilings, Dormers, Complementary Pitches, Chimneys, Roof Windows, Pergolas/Frameworks, Cornices/Soffits, Rafter Tail/Sprocket

  • Multiple placement of Beams, Posts, along any clicked plane e by setting auto-adaptive (dynamic) or fixed (forced) interaxes

  • Definition of slanted fly rafter: very precious with certain irregular roofs

  • Multilayer management of the roofing package for prefabrication in the workshop / carpentry / joinery / sawmill

  • All Automatic Technical Drawings for Cutting and Design with one click

  • Special Plan mode, to layout and print the various Drawings and Views, 3D included

  • Preliminary static calculations

  • Performing of all types of joints and machining such as: controlled cut, deburring/trimming/groove, various lap joints (head-to-head, crossed, single), tenon-mortise, dovetail, nibbed/plain scarf joint, hooked scarf joint, step/heel notch, special birdsmouths, planing, housing, profiling, marking, bridle joints (tongue and fork), rebate, various notches/grooves (e.g. for setting boards), drilling, chamfering, slot (e.g. for plates) and more!

  • Metal elements: from girders of different sections (at I, L, T, U, Z...), to metal connectors (plates, post bases, hangers...)

  • Detailed and Specifical Carpentry Timber/Iron Lists and Computation of individual components, roofing packages by layers, roof tiles, and many other specific computations. The lists are configurable concise summaries complete with quantities, lengths, areas, volumes, materials... and are all exportable to Microsoft Excel and other formats.

  • 2D/3D file exchange (Import/Export) as AutoCAD (DWG/DXF), BIM (IFC) and other formats...

  • Suitable for wood professionals:
    Carpenters, roofers, joiner, craftsman for wood assembly craftsman for wood assembly, sawmill operators, designers and other timber business professionals, etc. to design and produce single or double-structure roofs, ventilated roofs, special structures, green building extensions, particularly articulated roofs, complex trusses, carports and other engineered free wooden structures.

VisKon B - Timber Wall and Ceiling Module

  • Designed to work EASILY and DIRECTLY in 3D and 2D!

  • Multilayer timber construction systems up to 10 layers with combinable technologies

  • The layers management is parametric and consists of Framing, Panels, CLT/X-LAM, Boardings, Battens, Block House, Insulations and Masonry
    Multilayer management concerns both Walls and Ceilings and is aimed at prefabrication in the workshop

  • Defining own joining rules between walls with relative self-adaptation of wall layers

  • CLT-XLAM Massive Walls and their special machine operations

  • Nothing joints for block house beams (additional module)
    to perform e.g. special Tyrolean-style dovetails, etc.

  • Advanced Window Editor featuring details for technical adjustments of the host framework

  • Dimensioned Technical Drawings of Walls and Slabs for producing to start production of wooden walls, ceilings and the other timber structures

  • Detailed and Specifical Carpentry Timber/Iron Lists and Computation of individual components, timber walls and ceilings subdivided by layers, and many other specific computations. The lists are configurable concise summaries complete with quantities, lengths, areas, volumes, materials... and are all exportable to Microsoft Excel and other formats.

  • 2D/3D file exchange (Import/Export) as AutoCAD (DWG/DXF), BIM (IFC) and other formats...

  • Suitable for wood professionals:
    Carpenters, joiner, assemblers of wooden houses, sawmill operators, designers and other timber business professionals, etc. to design and produce of timber framed buildings, frameworks, CLT/X-LAM and Block House technology, such as housing, schools, agricultural and industrial halls, warehouses, and other green buildings.

Functionality included in both VisKon A and B modules

All technical drawings required for production and beyond
(views of plans, cross sections, elevations, perspectives, 3D, automatic technical drawings of...)

VisKon C - CNC Module

  • Perfect CNC transfers to numerically controlled cutting machines

  • Automatic CNC component numbering

  • 3D Labelling for a more comfortable control

  • Automatic component collision detection to prevent errors

  • Interface of Cambium, WUP, BTL, etc. continuously updated to keep up with new machines

Validated software for CNC cutting and processing machines from the following manufacturers: Hundegger, Weinmann, Homag, Krüsi, Schmidler, Soukup, Technowood, SCM, Weinig, Essetre, Biesse, AUERTECH, Baljer & Zembrod

From PC to machining by CNC transfer optimised for cutting/processing machines for carpentry/ joinery!
Suitable for owners of CNC (Computer Numerical Control) cutting machines as well as for those who work in sawmills or joineries. This module requires VisKon Module A (Roofs and Other Structures) and/or B (Walls/Ceilings) as a prerequisite.

Expansion of Module C
Panel processing centres / Multifunctional bridges

Support for Hundegger, Weinmann, Soukup production platforms (others on request). Complete job preparation up to CNC. VisKon A / B and C module is a prerequisite!


  • The Weto-Converter is a Windows application specially developed to convert K1/K2 files (*.bvn) generated by our software into a file for specific single-axis machines (*.btl) or for Hundegger P10/P8 (*.bv). Based on our standard machine control system, it is possible to control older CNC machines within the limits of their possibilities.

  • Contact us for more information

  • Prerequisites:
    VisKon C (CNC module)